The player assumes the role of Zephyr, a hardcore and professionally skilled street racer. Well known for his publicity stunts, Zephyr regularly uploads street racing videos as his point of argument that his fellow racers in Redview County should also be free. Upon his posting of a video of his car outrunning cops, a number of other racers also begin to post their own videos of themselves outrunning police cars. The police force begins to challenge the racers, and in the process, Officer John McManis, one of their pursuit drivers, is injured after a racer wrecked his car. After this incident, the police begin to use excessive force on racers.
The player goes to his training to be a member of the Redview County Police Department. After he completes his training, he is now a member of the police force. The RCNN (Redview County News Network) broadcast a flash news report, in which a video of street racing was trending online. Dozens of racers began to upload copycat videos similar to the featured video, and it was revealed that street racing became viral around the county and they seek notoriety. Because of that, the public accuses the police of intimidation, and they hold several rallies and marches against RCPD. Days later, the Mayor of the county went to the general hospital of Redview to visit RCPD officer John McManis, who recovered from multiple injuries while on patrol. Because of sense of intimidation, the US Department of Justice has been summoned to investigate the cases.