Power To Perform� The�PlayStation�4�system was designed from the ground up to ensure that game creators can unleash their imaginations to develop the very best games and deliver new play experiences never before possible. |
Remote Play� Remote Play on the PS4? system fully unlocks the�PlayStation�Vita�system?s potential, making it the ultimate companion device. With the PS Vita system, gamers will be able to play a range of PS4? titles on the beautiful 5-inch display over Wi-Fi access points in a local area network. |
PlayStation��App� The "PlayStation��App" will enable iPhone, iPad, and Android? based smartphones and tablets to become second screens for the PS4? system. Once installed on these devices, players can view in game items, purchase PS4? games and download them directly to the console at home, or remotely watch the gameplay of other gamers playing on their devices. � � � � � |