Stay in touch
- Get quick access to contacts by adding contact shortcuts to the home screen.
- Set up your email easily and get messages from your personal accounts.
- Select a friend/s picture on your home screen to call or send an email.
- Chat in real time using your favourite instant messaging services.
- Manage your email, chat and calendar with dedicated widgets.
- Browse the web through a 2G network or connect to a Wi-Fi hot spot.
- Stay connected to friends with easy access to your social networks.
- View web pages the way they should be seen on the 3.2/ display.
- Watch YouTube videos in the browser without opening a separate player.
- Stay entertained with a wide range of games and apps from Ovi Store.
Downloading maps, games, music, or videos may involve transferring large amounts of data. Your service provider may charge for the data transmission.
Photos and video
- Capture special moments with the 2 megapixel camera.
- Upload your favourite photos directly to Ovi Share.
- Post photos and videos to Facebook and other social networks.
- Record videos and upload your favourite clips to YouTube.
Uploading images and videos may involve transferring large amounts of
data. Your service provider may charge for the data transmission.
- Add a personal touch by changing the background, theme and icons.
- Access what you need - add shortcuts to favourite websites and apps.
- Get live feeds from Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.
- Move content easily around the home screen with your finger.
- Find the best route and get to your destination on time with Ovi Maps.
- Share your location through Facebook and meet friends who are close by.
- Get free lifetime navigation with turn-by-turn voice instructions.
- Use the 3D landmarks function to see places of interest on your route.
- Go off road with navigation for cycle routes and popular footpaths.
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